A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Preparing For Easter: Power UP!

Text: Romans 8:11-14

The HOPE of the Christian is not just that we are saved from Hell.  If we miss this little nugget of truth, then as we stand in a world of chaos and confusion, we are likely to forget what we are entitled to as the children of God.  Romans 8 tells us that IN ADDITION to the hope of an eternity in heaven, we have HOPE of the POWER of GOD giving us victory in our lives TODAY!  This God rose Jesus from the grave.  This SAME spirit that raised Jesus LIVES IN US now.  That’s no small thing!  Vs 11 tells us that the same power that raised Jesus will quicken (or strengthen and give extra power to) our mortal bodies, giving us the ability to overcome sin and any obstacle we face!  So POWER UP today! When you face a problem, a temptation, a frustration, remember that the greatest power ever known lives inside of you.

Check out the YouTube video and listen to a song that reminds you of this truth: and share it with a friend who also needs this hope today!

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