A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Money, Fame, or Jesus?

How important is money, fame, and accomplishments to you? Check out Mark 10:17-31 to find out what is most important. #iDevo #YFA #Nobody #Jesus

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The rich young ruler had obeyed all the commandments but there was one thing that could still pull him away, the temptation of fame and fortune. This is something we all struggle with, who does not desire to have more money or to receive recognition for accomplishing something. The truth though is that when we have more wealth than we need it can become easy to forget about or rely on God because money becomes our salvation. The same is true of fame because once we have it, it can be tough to give up especially when you have to stand for something that goes against what is popular or could cost you your fame.

Truth is we all have something that tempts us and can pull us away from God. It is why He stands at the door knocking, sent Jesus to die for us, and the Holy Spirit to tug at our hearts and draw us to Him. There is nothing wrong with fame or fortune until it replaces God as the priority in our lives. That was the rich young ruler’s struggle. Riches were more important to him than following Jesus. So today ask yourself what is most important? The praises or man, wealth, the favor of the world or is it Jesus? We know what it should be but is what it should be and reality the same?

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