A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Intimacy - Check out Matthew 6:33

Have you talked to God today (in prayer)?  Have you read the Bible?  How else are you going to get to know your heavenly Father?  It’s time to invest into THAT relationship!  Matthew 6:33 talks about those things we should daily seek. 

Matthew 6:33 - “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

We ALL spend a great deal of time seeking those things that bring immediate and temporary satisfaction, i.e. money, cars, clothes, food, etc.  Now understand - NONE of these pursuits are wrong in and of themselves.  The problem lies with focusing on the “temporary” versus the “eternal.”  When all is said and done, the only pursuit that will really matter is your daily, minute by minute pursuit of God!  TODAY’S CHALLENGE is to put as much effort in those things that fuel your relationship with God as you do those things that bring earthly satisfaction.  It’s a tall order, but you can do it!  In both the short term and long term, you’ll be glad you did. #intimacy

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