A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Intimacy - Check out Psalms 14:2

Do you realize that God is looking down from heaven right now to see if you are seeking . . . pursuing . . . chasing . . . after Him, and Him alone?  That’s exactly what the Psalmist is saying in 14:2.  Study it! 

Psalms 14:2 - “The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.”

Do you consider yourself a “God-chaser”?  What do I mean?  Well, a “God-chaser” is someone who is in a constant pursuit of a deeper walk with God.  They’re in the Word daily.  They’re in constant communion with God through prayer.  They surround themselves with godly influencers, NOT worldly.  Friend, this isn’t rocket science!  “You find what you pursue!”  You can’t get closer to God if you’re not trying!

TODAY’S CHALLENGE:  Put yesterday behind you.  Don’t focus on the shortcomings of the past.  Repent.  Start fresh.  Today is a new day!  Become a “God-chaser” today.  Why?  Because God is watching!  #intimacy

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